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How to get a raise as an iOS Dev: Fair strategies that work | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #027

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How to get a raise as an iOS Dev: Fair strategies that work | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #027 Caio & Mike |

If you feel like your salary is not following your skills progression, this podcast is for you.

Many hard-working iOS developers know they deserve better compensation, but they don't know how to get it.

So, they start wondering:

"Should I ask for my salary to be reviewed based on internal factors, or should I get multiple offers from other companies and ask my company to match them?"

"How much should I ask for?"

"I don't feel like it is fair to get a salary review once a year based only on inflation. How can I get a higher raise based on my contributions?"

And so on…

So if you're looking for answers, watch or listen to this podcast now and learn practical strategies to get a raise as an iOS developer.

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