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iOS Architecture & Fast Career Growth: Find people who care | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #002

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iOS Architecture & Fast Career Growth: Find people who care | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #002 Caio & Mike |

In this episode of the iOS Lead Essentials Podcast, we go deep into the importance of good architecture for your iOS apps and how good software architecture and design are essential skills to achieving an enriching and fulfilling iOS dev career.

Moreover, we reply to some of the most asked questions including:

  • “What is the best software architecture?”
  • “What is the best pattern? MVC, MVVM, MVP, or VIPER?”
  • “What are the key elements of good architecture?”
  • “How can I learn how to create good software architecture?”
  • “Speed is important where I work. Does it take longer to create good architecture?”
  • "Should I fear over-engineering my architecture solution?”
  • “I’m not a software architect. Should I learn how to create good software architecture?”

In our opinion, the answers to these questions are crucial to achieving a remarkable iOS career and can make all the difference in how fast you can get there.

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