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iOS Dev Q&A: Dealing with conflicts, React Native, Flutter & more | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #026

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iOS Dev Q&A: Dealing with conflicts, React Native, Flutter & more | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #026 Caio & Mike |

In this podcast, we reply to questions regarding conflicts in the workplace as an iOS developer. Including:

"I read tons of stories when companies force the team to switch to Flutter or React Native. How can I convince my boss not to switch?"

"Some team members refuse to follow the conventions we set in the iOS codebase. I feel bad having to fix their code all the time. How can I fix this?"

"I recently went through an iOS interview test project, and I submitted a solid solution emphasizing design principles and abstractions. I over-delivered, as you tell us to do. However, the feedback was that the app was over-designed, and ultimately I was rejected. So over-delivering is not always good, right?"

"I joined a new team as an iOS developer and found the codebase was super messy. I made loads of improvements in my time off, but the developers rejected my PR. How can I make things better if the team is unwilling to accept it?"

The thing is…

Conflict in the workspace is inevitable. But conflicts don't need to be bad.

In fact, constructive conflict is what can lead to progress.

So watch or listen to this podcast now and learn positive ways to deal with conflicts and rejection so you can flourish as an iOS developer.

Be ready, so you don't have to get ready.

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