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Lead iOS Developer Q&A: Thriving as a proficient lead developer | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #011

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Lead iOS Developer Q&A: Thriving as a proficient lead developer | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #011 Caio & Mike |

In this podcast, we dive into the topic of Leadership and what it means to be a remarkable Lead iOS Developer.

Throughout this episode, you’ll find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get from students of the iOS Lead Essentials program, including:

  • What’s a Lead iOS Developer?
  • What does a Lead iOS Developer do?
  • How can I become a Lead iOS Developer?
  • How can I succeed as a Lead iOS Developer?
  • Why would I want to become a Lead iOS Developer and take more responsibilities?
  • Does a Lead iOS Developer make more money than a Senior iOS Developer?
  • Can I become a Lead developer without having amazing technical skills?

You don't need to wait to be awarded a lead title to become a good leader. You can start now.

If you're serious about achieving a remarkable iOS career, learning and applying the insights in this podcast can make all the difference.

Subscribe now to our Youtube channel and Podcast to catch new episodes.