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MVC, MVVM, MVP & iOS: Common UI Architectural Design Patterns Q&A | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #012

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MVC, MVVM, MVP & iOS: Common UI Architectural Design Patterns Q&A | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #012 Caio & Mike |

In this podcast, we explore the MVC, MVVM, and MVP UI Architectural Design Patterns as we reply to frequently asked questions we receive, including:

  • What's MVC?
  • What's MVVM?
  • What are the differences between MVC and MVVM?
  • What's MVP, and how's it different from MVC and MVVM?
  • When should I use MVP or MVVM over MVC?
  • Which UI design pattern is best?
  • What is the best design pattern for creating reusable components?
  • A lot of job postings I see require MVVM skills. Should I learn only MVVM or all UI design patterns?
  • I see different uses for ViewModels. How can I decide the correct usage for a ViewModel?
  • Should I use only MVC if I want to use Storyboards?
  • Can an MVVM ViewModel work with multiple Views and Models?
  • Should I test Controllers in MVC, ViewModels in MVVM, or the Presenters in MVP or testing the UI in Integration is fine?
  • How can I learn MVC/MVVM/MVP fast?

MVC, MVVM, and MVP are the most common UI patterns in iOS.

Understanding and applying the insights in this podcast will help you create easily maintainable, testable, reusable, and extendable UI components and earn high-paying roles in exciting iOS projects.

Subscribe now to our Youtube channel and Podcast to catch new episodes.
