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TDD: Ultimate productivity, high salary, and a remarkable career | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #009

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TDD: Ultimate productivity, high salary, and a remarkable career | iOS Lead Essentials Podcast #009 Caio & Mike |

This podcast is all about Test-Driven Development (TDD).

You’ll find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get from students of the iOS Lead Essentials program, including:

  • What’s TDD?
  • What’s the TDD cycle?
  • Why follow TDD?
  • How can I learn to test first?
  • How can I write the test first if I don’t know what I want to test?
  • Can I write the test RIGHT after the implementation in TDD?
  • Can I write the test after if I already have the implementation?
  • What if I have a tight deadline? Can I write my tests after?
  • What if I have implemented the code in the past and I know it works?
  • What if I know what I’m doing, can I skip writing tests then?
  • Why is there so much resistance from experienced developers that don’t want to test their code first or even after?

Test-Driven Development is an extremely valuable skill that more and more iOS teams seek. TDD can significantly increase productivity and software quality, eliminate regressions, and contribute to developer happiness.

All remarkable iOS Developers we know practice TDD. All of them! So, we highly suggest you study the ideas and books discussed in this podcast and start applying them in your workplace to get the most out of your career.

Subscribe now to our Youtube channel and Podcast to catch new episodes.
