How do senior iOS devs decouple features from frameworks like StoreKit? | Live Dev Mentoring

How do senior iOS devs decouple features from frameworks like StoreKit? | Live Dev Mentoring

Have you ever felt like Apple frameworks such as StoreKit for in-app purchases are hard to use and complicate your code?

For example, you may have to deal with many confusing optional properties (that should never be `nil`). Or callbacks with optional results - even though there's no reason to ever get `nil` back in your specific case.

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Architecting for Analytics, Remote Config, DTOs, Custom vs Primitive Types | iOS Dev Live Mentoring

Architecting for Analytics, Remote Config, DTOs, Custom vs Primitive Types | iOS Dev Live Mentoring

Learn how to architect your iOS apps for analytics, define strategies for remote config/flags, and use DTOs, custom, and primitive types.

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