How senior iOS devs reuse auth token logic and design good app services | Live Dev Mentoring

How senior iOS devs reuse auth token logic and design good app services | Live Dev Mentoring

To become a complete senior developer, you need to know how to design good app services and avoid duplication.

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S02E13: Calculating score with zip, reduce, and generics in Swift | Professional iOS Engineering Series

S02E13: Calculating score with zip, reduce, and generics in Swift | Professional iOS Engineering Series

In this episode, you'll see how to replace a procedural scoring implementation that relies on a temporary mutable variable with a more functional approach using Swift's `zip` and `reduce` functions (no mutation!). 

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Migrating to Swift 4.2 using a TDD + Git workflow [S01 Extras]

Migrating to Swift 4.2 using a TDD + Git workflow [S01 Extras]

In this episode, we migrate the Quiz project and its dependencies to Swift 4.2 and modernize our code with the newest additions.

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Clean iOS Architecture pt.4: Clean Memory Management in Swift with WeakRef

Clean iOS Architecture pt.4: Clean Memory Management in Swift with WeakRef

We must be careful with `weak` properties as they can sometimes damage the design of our systems, especially when crossing module boundaries. In this video, we’d like to share with you a way to avoid retain cycles by using a `WeakRef` type, so there's no need to make your class properties `weak`.

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Migrating to Swift 4.1 using a TDD + Git workflow [S01 Extras]

Migrating to Swift 4.1 using a TDD + Git workflow [S01 Extras]

In this episode, we migrate the Quiz project and its dependencies to **Swift 4.1** and modernize our code with the newest additions.

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How a clean iOS codebase looks like

How a clean iOS codebase looks like

Have you ever wondered how a clean codebase looks like? Wonder no more!

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S01E13: Improving the Game Flow with Swift Generics

S01E13: Improving the Game Flow with Swift Generics

In this episode, we improve the Router and Flow components of the Engine framework by replacing the previously hardcoded String type for Question and Answer.

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